(2024) Technoscientific imaging and the territorialization of ocean depth, JA Baptista & PF Neto, Environment and Planning C: Space and Politics

(2024) Guadiana in four movements, P. F.Neto,& B. Korkmaz, Cultural Geographies

(2024) Withering Refuge, P. F.Neto, Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture Vol. 15, 1, pp.85-88

(2023) Curupira, PF Neto, Journal of Anthropological Films Vol. 7, 2

(2023) Still lifes. Notes on withering refuge and beyond,  P. F. Neto, Anthrovision Vol. 10, pp.1-13

(2023) Seeing like a routier: routiers’ borderscapes between Southern Europe and West Africa, P. F.Neto & R. Falcão, Etnográfica Vol. 27, 3, pp.583-598

(2022) Border Crossings in and out of Europe, (eds. MJ Ramos, Pedro F. Neto, Giulia Daniele), eBook’IS CEI-ISCTE-IUL

(2022) Routiers’ transformational trajectories of waste, from Portugal to Senegal.  PF Neto & R Falcão in Border Crossings in and out of Europe (eds. MJ Ramos, Pedro F. Neto, Giulia Daniele), pp.s87-105

(2021) Crossing the Lines? Local actors’ responses to developmental challenges in Africa, in Caderno de Estudos Africanos (edited by E. R. Sanches, P. F. Neto, & N. Noyoo)

(2020) Depicting Protracted Refuge. Postcards from a Refugee Camp, in Visual Ethnography

(2020) Moving Assemblies: Socio-political Mobilization in Angola’s Collective Transport, in Cultural Studies 
Awarded Best Scientific Text-Young Anthropologist 2019 by APA-Portuguese Association of Anthropology

(2019) Displacement, refuge and urbanisation. From refugee camps to ecovillages (Interface - Borders and Refuge: Citizenship, Mobility and Planning in a Volatile World, ed. Libby Porter), in Planning Theory and Practice

(2019) Book review: Bram J. Jansen, Kakuma Refugee Camp. Humanitarian Urbanism in Kenya’s Accidental City, in African studies review 

(2019) Surreptitious Ethnography. Following the paths of Angolan Refugees and Returnees in the Angola-Zambia Borderlands, in Ethnography
Awarded Best Scientific Text-Young Anthropologist 2018 by APA-Portuguese Association of Anthropology

(2019) Rumo à cidade. Urbanização e deslocamento forçado em Angola, in Revista Transversos (UERJ)

(2018) Ambiguous boundaries between exclusion and inclusion. Experiences from the Meheba Refugee Camp (Zambia),  in Changing societies: legacies and challenges. Ambiguous inclusions: inside out, outside in (eds. Granjo, P.; Ramos, A.; Aboim, S.), Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, pp. 29-47 [link]

(2017) The Consolidation of the Angola-Zambia border: Violence, Forced Displacement, Smugglers and Savimbi, in Journal of Borderlands Studies 32(3):305-324

(2016) A world on the move. Operative horizons among Angolan refugees and returnees (Meheba Refugee Camp, Zambia) PhD thesis in Anthropology (ISCTE-IUL)/Ethnologie et anthropologie sociale (EHESS) [link]

(2014) “Zambie (depuis 1971): Le camp de réfugiés angolais de Maheba et la question du retour des réfugiés en Angola” in Un monde de camps (eds. Michel Agier, Clara Lecadet), Paris: La Découverte, pp.61-71 [link]

(2013) “Lisboa ou Belarmino Fragoso: Espaço existencial e político em Belarmino”, in Revoluções - Arquitectura e Cinema nos anos 60/70. in (ed. Luís Urbano), Ruptura Silenciosa/FAUP, pp. 172-177
